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valley floor中文是什么意思

用"valley floor"造句"valley floor"怎么读"valley floor" in a sentence


  • 谷底


  • The size of individual basins will generally depend on the slope of the land surface, except in relatively flat plains such as valley floors .
  • Do you forget that the man who murdered my father lies across the valley floor
  • Valley floor divide
  • The whole valley floor , and the foothills too , would be carpeted with lupines and poppies
  • Yes , hanging glaciers , i . e . , glaciers do not touching the valley floor or the nearby lake
  • The size of individual basins will generally depend on the slope of the land surface , except in relatively flat plains such as valley floors
    除了相对平坦的平原(如谷底) ,每个池塘的大小一般取决于地面坡度。
  • It is beautiful here . we can see many kilometers down and across the valley floor . two deer are nearby . they are eating grass . no hunting is permitted here
  • Plan also to visit the walk on the 1 - mile golden canyon interpretive trail leads from the valley floor , 160 feet below sea level , up to the zabriskie point overlook
    从547尺陡峭的但丁峰dante s peak上,几乎可以俯瞰整个峡谷。山底下,低于海平面地狱一般,一望无际的恶水低地bad water ,更是一览无遗。
  • It is a habitat that was created by farmers who live around the valley and who changed the nature of the valley floor according to their needs , and not those of the avian community
    然而,我们必须在此澄清, ?原绝非第二个米埔沼泽栖息地,区内的生态环境乃是由居住在附近的农民以人为的方式制造出来的,这些农民纯粹按照本身的需要更改?原土地的性质,并不会考虑到雀鸟的需要。
  • Diversity index on different terrain varied between 0 . 28 to 1 . 75 , the terrain followed the sequence of level land - plain > sloping land - medium - gradient mountain > sloping land - medium - gradient hill > level land - valley floor > sloping land - medium - gradient escarpment zone > level land - depression > steep land - high - gradient mountain ; the evenness index on different terrain varied between
    发育于不同地形上的多样性指数值范围为0 . 28 1 . 75之间,从高到低依次为平原、中坡度、中坡度丘陵、山麓平原、中坡度峭壁带、低洼地和高坡度山地;均匀度指数范围为0 . 26 0 . 84之间,从高到低依次为中坡度、平原、山麓平原、中坡度丘陵、中坡度峭壁带和低洼地。
用"valley floor"造句  


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